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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Searching for great ideas

Don't you just love finding great ideas?  I do.  I have been looking for things to do and holiday ideas.  What I found is that there is so much available now on the internet.  It wasn't that long ago we didn't have this wonderful resource.  Ideas were hard to find.  Now, in just a few minutes you can search the world for the best ideas on whatever subject you are looking for.  And sometimes you find things you didn't even think to look for.

Did you think of making waffles from canned biscuits?  Me neither.  But some brilliant person tried it and found it to be worth the effort.  I am going to try these.  It certainly gave me a lot of ideas.  Isn't it funny how one thing can cause your head to start turning out hundreds of versions and before long you are creative again.  I love it.

Funny that waffle idea came when I was searching ideas for some jewelry.  So I wasn't even thinking about breakfast or biscuits.  Humm.  So what amazing things did you find today as you searched the internet for ideas? 

At the end of the day all I can say is "Well, butter my butt, and call me a biscuit."

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