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Friday, November 18, 2011

More about Soups

I really love soup.  Hot days- cold soup, Cold days- hot soup, make it a perfect choice for dinner.  I have always loved soups.  They are one of my comfort foods.  I have been making a variety of soups this year.  My husband has been so patient and willing to try new things. 

This summer, I had a big box of strawberries to use up and I decided to make strawberry soup for a hot summer day.  I found a recipe online, but didn't have all the ingredients for it in my panty so I fiddled with it and substituted and did what I could........the results were a wonderful, refreshing, light soup just perfect for a hot sticky summer day.  The problem is I didn't write down the changes I made along the way or any of the creative process.  I have tried to recreate the soup  and each time it is a bit different.  I will make strawberry soup again and again on a summer day. 

I love the soups at Cost Plus, I love that they store in my long term storage and I can pull them out when I need them at short notice.  Last trip to town I found a new soup in the selection at Cost Plus. Pumpkin soup.  Hummm.   So, I picked up a couple to try.  If it's good, figured I would go back and buy more.

Well, yesterday, I decided to try that pumpkin soup.  My daughter looked a bit insecure, as her only experience with pumpkin is in pies, or sweet breads.  She and my husband aren't squash eaters.  This was making her a little nervous I think.  When my husband came home and smelled the air, he asked what was cooking.  I told him "pumpkin soup".  He went quiet.  Gave a nervous smile and took a deep breath.  Ok, was his reply.

Well, the house smelled amazing.  I expected everyone would try the soup and be polite.  I served it and thought I would snap a photo of the soup after dinner.  Well, what can I say...................................after dinner there was no soup to photograph.  They loved the soup.  They ate all the soup.  Yes, they scraped the pan and there was nothing left.  No soup for tomorrow's lunch.  No extra bite while cleaning up.  It was gone.  My husband raved about the soup as he was refilling his bowl.  Here is the guy who I thought would politely taste and then go make a peanut butter sandwich when I wasn't looking.  He loved it.  I guess I am going back to Cost Plus and buy some more before this "seasonal" item is gone.  I do think I can make this one from scratch if I need to .......but if there is a dry pack, I want it.
 Can't wait to try something new......who knows what it will be.  But I do know that strawberry soup will be on my summer menu and pumpkin soup will be on the fall or winter table.  What's your favorite soup?  I would love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. pumpkin soup, very yummy. We need to buy more.
