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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Family History

I've been doing family history for longer than I can remember.  I started when I was 12 with my grandmother, and well, it's been part of my life ever since.  I have been working alone since my grandmother died in 1978, and it's been a solitary struggle.  Family hasn't been very interested or helpful over the years giving up information, photos, or stories.  I feel like it's been harder than it needed to be at times.  Well out of the blue, one of my brother-in-laws asked "When is the book coming out?".  What?  He wants to see the results of my 40 plus years of research.

I'm taken off guard that someone is interested in this work all of a sudden.  So far, I've been working at my own pace.  Putting it aside when life got busy and working like crazy when time afforded me.  Now, I am stunned and a bit perplexed by the interest and perceived deadline to my work.  I can't believe my answer to him. "Oh, look for it near Christmas."  What was I thinking?  Christmas?  How can I do justice to my research in a couple of months?

Well, I have been working on these books now for several months and realize I am not even close to where I want to be and it's November already.  I have requested stories and photos from cousins. I have learned the ones I thought were really close to grandma, weren't.  And those that I thought weren't have great stories to add. 

I am always surprised by the work.  There is always more to the picture if one digs abit.  Every person has something hidden in the past and a story to be told.  I am not sure if these books are going to see the light of day by Christmas, but I am way ahead of where I would have been if I hadn't been challenged to produce a book.  Maybe Christmas one year?  In the mean time I am going to keep working on the pages of these books and add as much detail as I can to the lives of those that came before us.  I am impressed by the people that can whip up a family history book in a short time, and create something beautiful. (Photos shown from top to bottom: Carter Girls, top, Grace, Electa, Elaine, bottom, Nancy and Rose ;  John & Elizabeth Carter with Bill, Grace, Electa, and baby Elaine ; Rhoda Ann Wilde Dickerson : Elwenna "Ella" Trannum Darnaby Talbot)

Where are you with your family history?  How do you display it?  How do you share it with your family?

PS: finally finished the books.  Here is the link to John and Rhoda Dickerson family book

Here is the link to John and Elizabeth Carter's book

Here is the link to Hilda Darnaby's book

Here is the link for the Trannum's book

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