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Sunday, November 6, 2011

House Fixes

We are always doing something around the place.  I think that happens when you have a house.  We didn't buy a new house so there is always somthing that needs repairing or fixing or changing.  I am lucky to have a husband that is amazingly talented in figuring out how to fix something or remodel it or build it.

Since buying our house 20 years ago, we have changed everything inside at least once.  Altered several things outside and repaired about everything once or twice.  It's not the house we bought.  It's molded and shaped into us.  From the pullman beds in the girls room to the archways going into the living room it has become our home.

The guys finished the deck early this summer and now my husband is finishing the window project.  My office and one bedroom had these tiny windows,  you know the kind, that you look out when standing up.  Well, now I can see the yard from my desk while sitting down... I love it.  I feel like I am outside.  There is so much light now.  It's great.  Can't believe we waited so long for this change.  Wish we had done it a long time ago. 

He put the shelves in below it again but had to change it up to adjust to the placement.  I think I like them better now.  I need to paint the wall around the window now from the construction but it looks great.

Girls room is done too.  The window, then the desk. What a great change.  I love it.

Next project to finish the deck underneath so a family of skunks doesn't move in over the winter.  That would make me very upset.

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