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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October 2011

Busy month. Weather is changing and the cool air is replacing the wonderful warm summer days.  I am not ready for cold weather and already miss the warmth.  Hot chocolate is back on the counter and soup on the menu.

Speaking of soup, I love the soup mixes from Cost Plus.  I tried one a while ago so went back in this week and bought several.  I love that they store so well in my food storage and would make a great addition to long term storage.  Everything is dried and compact, spices, noodles, etc.  Some require additional ingredients other than water or broth.  The first one I made was Potato & Corn Chowder  that asked for half and half and chicken broth.  It was very good.  Had the Tortellini the last night and it was yummy. I would not cook them them the short amount of time they suggest.  I don't think 30 minutes is enough time to develop the flavors in a soup.  So I added a large can of tomato sauce and a can of Italian stewed tomatoes to the mix and cooked it a good hour before adding the tortellini noodles.  I did add extra water too.  (about a cup)  I made the soup about 2 in the afternoon and after adding the noodles let it simmer until supper time about 5pm.  I will be going back for more soup mixes.  Plan to keep several on hand and several in long term storage. The price for each is $3.99 and certainly worth it for 8+ servings. I think my favorite so far is the tortilla soup.  I added an extra chicken breast and more liquid, then let it simmer several hours.  It was wonderful.  Had enough for 4 adults with a lot left in the pot for tomorrow.  Served it with some wonderful bread for dipping into the soup.  Very filling and hands down my favorite soup so far.

Don't get any trick or treaters at our door here in the country.  I miss that.  When we lived in a community we decorated our front porch and entry way.  The whole family got involved.  We cut bats for days and hung them everywhere, Carved pumpkins and placed corn stalks.  Now, it's less involved.  A wonderful friend grew me a HUGE pumpkin to display at my gate, and a few smaller ones that we have decorated for the porch and deck tables.  I have a few things near the entry of the yard, but that's the extent.  This year we participated in a Trunk or Treat, and LOVED it.  Erin and I spent a day shopping and a day sewing.  We decorated the car and made a hundred treat bags (turns out it wasn't enough--good thing we brought extra candy)  Got the music to Harry Potter downloaded onto the Ipod and off we went.  Erin even dressed as a biker chick.  We had lots of fun.  It was a great turn out and lots of fun decorated cars.  I loved the costumes.  Some where amazing and creative.  I especially love the homemade costumes, and some moms were very artistic. Jade's peacock was my favorite. Mom used Peacock feathers for the tail and made a detachable belt to hold them onto the blue tutu.  So creative. There was fairy, hulk, a cute bumble bee, fireman, devil, and so many more.   I think we will do that again next year.

I think I signed up for too many projects for our coming up Super Saturday.  I always do.  I think I have nine or more to accomplish that day.  Looks like I will have a busy day and several unfinished ones to bring home.  I think I still have one to finish from last year.  LOL.  I love having a project to work on and getting great ideas.  I think they will make wonderful gifts this year.  I did sign up for a caramel apple class as well, but that is going to be a temptation.  I really like caramel apples and candy apples.  I rarely make them as they get eaten.  I usually buy one at Art in the Park once a year or something like that.  It's safer.  But this year, I am tempting fate.  Going to try making some of the fancy apples and hopefully gift them.  We'll see what happens. If you want to look at the projects here's the link:

Post Script to the Super Saturday:  Wonderful!, got so many great ideas.  Loved the caramel apple class.  Well worth the time.  The apples looked amazing and we had a great tasting adventure at home the day after.  Loved the washer necklaces.  I made 12 and wish I had made more.  They took longer than I thought but again a project worth doing.Made with two sizes of washers.  The larger is covered front and back with scrapbook paper (mod podged) the smaller is punched with a word, name or initials.  It looks rather industrial. (Not difficult, just lots of little details)  Great Christmas gifts.  Got all done but two.  Will paint the navitiy set later and put together the book sometime this month.  It was a busy day but accomplished a lot and had loads of fun. 

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