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Friday, November 18, 2011

More about Soups

I really love soup.  Hot days- cold soup, Cold days- hot soup, make it a perfect choice for dinner.  I have always loved soups.  They are one of my comfort foods.  I have been making a variety of soups this year.  My husband has been so patient and willing to try new things. 

This summer, I had a big box of strawberries to use up and I decided to make strawberry soup for a hot summer day.  I found a recipe online, but didn't have all the ingredients for it in my panty so I fiddled with it and substituted and did what I could........the results were a wonderful, refreshing, light soup just perfect for a hot sticky summer day.  The problem is I didn't write down the changes I made along the way or any of the creative process.  I have tried to recreate the soup  and each time it is a bit different.  I will make strawberry soup again and again on a summer day. 

I love the soups at Cost Plus, I love that they store in my long term storage and I can pull them out when I need them at short notice.  Last trip to town I found a new soup in the selection at Cost Plus. Pumpkin soup.  Hummm.   So, I picked up a couple to try.  If it's good, figured I would go back and buy more.

Well, yesterday, I decided to try that pumpkin soup.  My daughter looked a bit insecure, as her only experience with pumpkin is in pies, or sweet breads.  She and my husband aren't squash eaters.  This was making her a little nervous I think.  When my husband came home and smelled the air, he asked what was cooking.  I told him "pumpkin soup".  He went quiet.  Gave a nervous smile and took a deep breath.  Ok, was his reply.

Well, the house smelled amazing.  I expected everyone would try the soup and be polite.  I served it and thought I would snap a photo of the soup after dinner.  Well, what can I say...................................after dinner there was no soup to photograph.  They loved the soup.  They ate all the soup.  Yes, they scraped the pan and there was nothing left.  No soup for tomorrow's lunch.  No extra bite while cleaning up.  It was gone.  My husband raved about the soup as he was refilling his bowl.  Here is the guy who I thought would politely taste and then go make a peanut butter sandwich when I wasn't looking.  He loved it.  I guess I am going back to Cost Plus and buy some more before this "seasonal" item is gone.  I do think I can make this one from scratch if I need to .......but if there is a dry pack, I want it.
 Can't wait to try something new......who knows what it will be.  But I do know that strawberry soup will be on my summer menu and pumpkin soup will be on the fall or winter table.  What's your favorite soup?  I would love to hear from you.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Searching for great ideas

Don't you just love finding great ideas?  I do.  I have been looking for things to do and holiday ideas.  What I found is that there is so much available now on the internet.  It wasn't that long ago we didn't have this wonderful resource.  Ideas were hard to find.  Now, in just a few minutes you can search the world for the best ideas on whatever subject you are looking for.  And sometimes you find things you didn't even think to look for.

Did you think of making waffles from canned biscuits?  Me neither.  But some brilliant person tried it and found it to be worth the effort.  I am going to try these.  It certainly gave me a lot of ideas.  Isn't it funny how one thing can cause your head to start turning out hundreds of versions and before long you are creative again.  I love it.

Funny that waffle idea came when I was searching ideas for some jewelry.  So I wasn't even thinking about breakfast or biscuits.  Humm.  So what amazing things did you find today as you searched the internet for ideas? 

At the end of the day all I can say is "Well, butter my butt, and call me a biscuit."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Progress on this family history project

I have been busy working on my family history project.  Trying to put all my research into print.  This is a bigger project than I was prepare for but wonderful.  I am learning so much more than I had hoped I would.  Surprising my cousins and uncles have come forward with lots of photos and memories to add in and it has given me a picture of the years gap in my information.

I know my dead relatives better than my live ones.  I've spent the last 40+ years working with them and getting to know them in rich detail.  Following their lives over decades through census and documents.  Sometimes with photos and letters.  They don't talk back or argue with me.  They patiently sit on the shelf when my life gets busy with other things and don't expect much from me back.  The live ones are much more difficult to work with.  This project is pulling me closer into the lives of my relatives with a bang.  We are emailing, and talking.  This is new, and a bit scarey for me.  It's made me realize that I have lost many rich opprotunities over the years.  Missed reunions, missed family events to learn and draw close to those that share my blood line.  I have struggled with research when I could have learned first hand.  I have many regrets.  Could have done things so differently.  Looking back, I understand why I chose the path I took, and why there was a distance.  Not all my choice, but what I saw as the better road.  Wish it had been different and I could have felt I could keep a close relationship with these people.

Family relationships are complicated.  Divorce is a challenge and more difficult on children than most adults are willing to accept.  In all, many things become tangled and confusing.  The most difficult is the loss of connection.  Some of us take a long time to find our way, and lose a lot in the journey.

I see old photos and am transported back to a happy time in my childhood.  I see pictures of  cousins, their families, their grandchildren and they are strangers to me.  I wonder where the time has gone.  I see my uncles as they were when I was young, but as I look at the photos that have come across my desk I see they are old men.  When did that happen? 

40 years are filling in fast.  Photo after photo is eliminating the gap, and I feel as though I am catching up on some important things in the lives of my family.  If nothing else, I am getting to know them again.  I feel this is a blessing I wasn't expecting from this project.  I wasn't going to ask for help.......was going to finish it with what I had gathered on my own over the years, but now this is such an amazing project so full of details I would never have been able to do on my own.  I can't thank my cousins and uncles enough for their kindness in sharing things precious to them.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fall crafts and recipes

So many fun ideas for fall.  I love the spicy smells of fall baking.  Pumpkin pies, sweet potatoes, soups, stews, chili, and more.  The house welcomes me when I open the door to these aromas.  Coming in from the nippy air of outdoors to something warm and fragrant comforts me as nothing else does.

I found a wonderful idea and recipe on the idea room blog  (one of my favorite blogs by the way-- ) for Pumpkin spice playdough.  How fun.  I think this is a great idea and one that I can change by altering the scent for other occassions.  How simple, yet I never thought of adding scent to playdough.  What a change, to stimulate another sense while playing.  Here is the recipe:

Pumpkin Spice Playdough:
2 cups water
orange food coloring (or combine yellow and red)
2 TBSP vegetable oil
1 cup salt
4 tsp. cream of tartar
3 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
2 cups flour

Imagine a green minty one, or a red cherry, black licorice, and the ideas just keep flowing.....What will you create?  What smells give you that ah ha moment?


I was looking for a simple decoration for Thanksgiving and I found this cute paper plate craft using a tp roll.  I love it for it's bright colors, and simple thanks.  Children have such a perfect way of expressing what's in their heart without mucking it up with too much clutter.  I am going to put this in my office as a reminder of gratitude this month.  Sometimes simple is so wonderful.  K.I.S.S.

Paper Plate Turkey Centerpiece Craft

I will change the "my bike" to "my computer" (as that is not covered in the toy catagory.  LOL)   What are you thankful for ?  What will you do to decorate for fall?      Oh...and don't forget to feed the fish before you leave, they get pretty hungry.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

House Fixes

We are always doing something around the place.  I think that happens when you have a house.  We didn't buy a new house so there is always somthing that needs repairing or fixing or changing.  I am lucky to have a husband that is amazingly talented in figuring out how to fix something or remodel it or build it.

Since buying our house 20 years ago, we have changed everything inside at least once.  Altered several things outside and repaired about everything once or twice.  It's not the house we bought.  It's molded and shaped into us.  From the pullman beds in the girls room to the archways going into the living room it has become our home.

The guys finished the deck early this summer and now my husband is finishing the window project.  My office and one bedroom had these tiny windows,  you know the kind, that you look out when standing up.  Well, now I can see the yard from my desk while sitting down... I love it.  I feel like I am outside.  There is so much light now.  It's great.  Can't believe we waited so long for this change.  Wish we had done it a long time ago. 

He put the shelves in below it again but had to change it up to adjust to the placement.  I think I like them better now.  I need to paint the wall around the window now from the construction but it looks great.

Girls room is done too.  The window, then the desk. What a great change.  I love it.

Next project to finish the deck underneath so a family of skunks doesn't move in over the winter.  That would make me very upset.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Rain drops of Change

Today is a reflection of the changes in my life.  First of all, I resist change, I am not comfortable with moving furniture, changing the pictures on my walls, or even getting rid of my favorites in my closet.  I know people that change their furniture arrangements weekly and redecorate their walls often. That isn't me.

The only time I like change is when something isn't working, and I am comfortable moving things around until I get it right. 

But life is all about change.  Childhood goes and we change into adults......Seasons change and the warmth of summer turns to falling leaves and brisk mornings. We can't avoid change.  It's everywhere.

I have loved my life in the last several years. The closeness of family, Easter Egg hunts, road trips, sleep overs, picnics, birthday parties, Karaoke, wii tournments,pollywogs, 4H, Book fairs, basketball, football, baseball, track events, school plays, field trips, home schooling,  Movie nights, shopping, sewing marathons (whether it was curtains, quilts, or purses), swimming and so much more.  I enjoyed the laughter and the hugs.  I loved the comfort of family. 

Things change.  Sometimes it's through death, or moving, or just plain drama.

I am adjusting to the changes.  I don't like it.  I don't want it, but I am adjusting.  And life goes on.  It is what it is.  The activity has been replaced with emptiness, and lonliness.  Tough to deal with some days.  I am learning to replace things, I keep a project going to keep me busy.  Divert my attention with brain activity.  I am not there yet but I am adjusting.  Slower than I would like, but it's coming along.  Everyday is a fresh start and some are better than others.  Finding humor has been hard, it's been lost in the shuffle.  I hope I find it again and it fills my life with joyous sounds. 

Friends can be a wonderful help, but I find myself not being good company.  Worrying that I am the rain cloud and avoiding people so I don't feel guilty bringing them down, or just not having the energy to smile.  I need people. I need contact, but find I it difficult to be in groups as it brings so many reminders of what's missing.

"Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
Viktor E. Frankl

I choose to be happy!  I choose to smile!   I choose to be busy and involved in life!

"When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves."
... Viktor E. Frankl 

So here I go, out to embrace change.  Changing myself.  Finding a better me.  I am going to succeed.  One day I will get there.  I will laugh again.  I will!

Hugs to you all!  I'm sure you need it as much as I I'm off to dive into a project. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Family History

I've been doing family history for longer than I can remember.  I started when I was 12 with my grandmother, and well, it's been part of my life ever since.  I have been working alone since my grandmother died in 1978, and it's been a solitary struggle.  Family hasn't been very interested or helpful over the years giving up information, photos, or stories.  I feel like it's been harder than it needed to be at times.  Well out of the blue, one of my brother-in-laws asked "When is the book coming out?".  What?  He wants to see the results of my 40 plus years of research.

I'm taken off guard that someone is interested in this work all of a sudden.  So far, I've been working at my own pace.  Putting it aside when life got busy and working like crazy when time afforded me.  Now, I am stunned and a bit perplexed by the interest and perceived deadline to my work.  I can't believe my answer to him. "Oh, look for it near Christmas."  What was I thinking?  Christmas?  How can I do justice to my research in a couple of months?

Well, I have been working on these books now for several months and realize I am not even close to where I want to be and it's November already.  I have requested stories and photos from cousins. I have learned the ones I thought were really close to grandma, weren't.  And those that I thought weren't have great stories to add. 

I am always surprised by the work.  There is always more to the picture if one digs abit.  Every person has something hidden in the past and a story to be told.  I am not sure if these books are going to see the light of day by Christmas, but I am way ahead of where I would have been if I hadn't been challenged to produce a book.  Maybe Christmas one year?  In the mean time I am going to keep working on the pages of these books and add as much detail as I can to the lives of those that came before us.  I am impressed by the people that can whip up a family history book in a short time, and create something beautiful. (Photos shown from top to bottom: Carter Girls, top, Grace, Electa, Elaine, bottom, Nancy and Rose ;  John & Elizabeth Carter with Bill, Grace, Electa, and baby Elaine ; Rhoda Ann Wilde Dickerson : Elwenna "Ella" Trannum Darnaby Talbot)

Where are you with your family history?  How do you display it?  How do you share it with your family?

PS: finally finished the books.  Here is the link to John and Rhoda Dickerson family book

Here is the link to John and Elizabeth Carter's book

Here is the link to Hilda Darnaby's book

Here is the link for the Trannum's book

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October 2011

Busy month. Weather is changing and the cool air is replacing the wonderful warm summer days.  I am not ready for cold weather and already miss the warmth.  Hot chocolate is back on the counter and soup on the menu.

Speaking of soup, I love the soup mixes from Cost Plus.  I tried one a while ago so went back in this week and bought several.  I love that they store so well in my food storage and would make a great addition to long term storage.  Everything is dried and compact, spices, noodles, etc.  Some require additional ingredients other than water or broth.  The first one I made was Potato & Corn Chowder  that asked for half and half and chicken broth.  It was very good.  Had the Tortellini the last night and it was yummy. I would not cook them them the short amount of time they suggest.  I don't think 30 minutes is enough time to develop the flavors in a soup.  So I added a large can of tomato sauce and a can of Italian stewed tomatoes to the mix and cooked it a good hour before adding the tortellini noodles.  I did add extra water too.  (about a cup)  I made the soup about 2 in the afternoon and after adding the noodles let it simmer until supper time about 5pm.  I will be going back for more soup mixes.  Plan to keep several on hand and several in long term storage. The price for each is $3.99 and certainly worth it for 8+ servings. I think my favorite so far is the tortilla soup.  I added an extra chicken breast and more liquid, then let it simmer several hours.  It was wonderful.  Had enough for 4 adults with a lot left in the pot for tomorrow.  Served it with some wonderful bread for dipping into the soup.  Very filling and hands down my favorite soup so far.

Don't get any trick or treaters at our door here in the country.  I miss that.  When we lived in a community we decorated our front porch and entry way.  The whole family got involved.  We cut bats for days and hung them everywhere, Carved pumpkins and placed corn stalks.  Now, it's less involved.  A wonderful friend grew me a HUGE pumpkin to display at my gate, and a few smaller ones that we have decorated for the porch and deck tables.  I have a few things near the entry of the yard, but that's the extent.  This year we participated in a Trunk or Treat, and LOVED it.  Erin and I spent a day shopping and a day sewing.  We decorated the car and made a hundred treat bags (turns out it wasn't enough--good thing we brought extra candy)  Got the music to Harry Potter downloaded onto the Ipod and off we went.  Erin even dressed as a biker chick.  We had lots of fun.  It was a great turn out and lots of fun decorated cars.  I loved the costumes.  Some where amazing and creative.  I especially love the homemade costumes, and some moms were very artistic. Jade's peacock was my favorite. Mom used Peacock feathers for the tail and made a detachable belt to hold them onto the blue tutu.  So creative. There was fairy, hulk, a cute bumble bee, fireman, devil, and so many more.   I think we will do that again next year.

I think I signed up for too many projects for our coming up Super Saturday.  I always do.  I think I have nine or more to accomplish that day.  Looks like I will have a busy day and several unfinished ones to bring home.  I think I still have one to finish from last year.  LOL.  I love having a project to work on and getting great ideas.  I think they will make wonderful gifts this year.  I did sign up for a caramel apple class as well, but that is going to be a temptation.  I really like caramel apples and candy apples.  I rarely make them as they get eaten.  I usually buy one at Art in the Park once a year or something like that.  It's safer.  But this year, I am tempting fate.  Going to try making some of the fancy apples and hopefully gift them.  We'll see what happens. If you want to look at the projects here's the link:

Post Script to the Super Saturday:  Wonderful!, got so many great ideas.  Loved the caramel apple class.  Well worth the time.  The apples looked amazing and we had a great tasting adventure at home the day after.  Loved the washer necklaces.  I made 12 and wish I had made more.  They took longer than I thought but again a project worth doing.Made with two sizes of washers.  The larger is covered front and back with scrapbook paper (mod podged) the smaller is punched with a word, name or initials.  It looks rather industrial. (Not difficult, just lots of little details)  Great Christmas gifts.  Got all done but two.  Will paint the navitiy set later and put together the book sometime this month.  It was a busy day but accomplished a lot and had loads of fun.