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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Skunks - summer of 2012

I haven't written in a long time. Not that I haven't thought to, just that I wasn't sure if I should.  Sometimes life is tough and sometimes it is best not to spew when it's happening. Once something is said you can't take it back.  You know the situtation.

Getting to this point in life you would think I would be wise and experienced enough not to be affected by the drama of others.  Ha, not true.  When it comes to family it is a different thing.



I HATE skunks.  We live in the country and this isn't the first time we have had a problem with skunks.  In the past we just stayed up at night and hunted them. Not a big deal really.  Shoot them when you see them and be done with it.  Not this year.

These skunks are smarter than me.  We joke that they have a mole working with them or hidden cameras on us.  We have been trying to hunt these skunks but no luck.  We bought a camera and put it on the tree at night to get an idea of when they are coming in so we could stay up and shoot them.  We thought we had a good idea as the time hack on the photos were between 1 and 3 am.  Ok, we set up and were ready.  We stayed up until 4 am. But no skunks.

 The next day when we retrieved the camera the  photo showed they came out at 4:00 and 58 seconds. We missed them by 58 seconds! Seconds!  Ok, so we watched them with the camera through the next few days and then set up a night when hubby didn't have to work the next day and stayed up til 6am.  Not one skunk.

 If we go to the upper yard, they dig in the lower yard.  They are one step ahead of us.  This has been going on now for 2 months.  Still, we have shot not one skunk.  Our lawn is ruined and we are frustrated.

We left a spot light on the shop all night and from the photo you can see it didn't stop them one bit.  So light or no light they still come!

 We have set live traps, and they dig all around the traps and poo beside them. No luck. Baited with fish, marshmallows, peanut butter, chicken. Nothing works. Willing to take suggestions. ARGHHHHHHH..... I HATE skunks.

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