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Monday, September 24, 2012

End of summer 2012

Wow, where did the time go?  It's fall already. Sad to see summer gone.  I was enjoying the warm days.  Not sure if I am ready for coats and cold weather.  Certainly not ready for heating bills and slippery roads.

I have been working on editting the family history books.  There have been many late nights and oodles of changes. Have enjoyed seeing  all the new photos popping up on the facebook page and in my email.  Floods of memories being triggered and played out with each new photo.  It would be wonderful to go back in time and enjoy those moments.  (Taking a better camera with and making sure it was focused would be helpful too)

The leaves are beginning to fall off the trees in our yard and that marks the beginning of the raking project that lasts until the end of spring.  We have fifteen large trees and they shed their leaves all month, leaving a thick blanket on the ground.  It looks lovely, but is a lot of work to remove so the grass and rocks and plants survive.

Erin's room is done again.  Her new Birthday computer and second monitor in place.  Now she has a real command center and a computer that will play her Sims games.  The room looks really good and she is enjoying it.

I have updated the links on the family history 2011 page of this blog to the new editted family history books, so take a look and let me know if you find any more areas that need adjustment.  If anyone wants a PDF copy let me know.  Don't buy the books, as one they aren't finished yet, two there are lots of sales coming, three I will give a PDF copy to you  if you ask.

Bon Voyage to Summer............and hello autumn!

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