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Friday, September 14, 2012

Family History Books finished !

I wanted to finish the books I started on our family history.  Time always gets away from me.  I finally got them printed.  I did rush in the end as Shutterfly sent me an email to say they were changing sizes and formats so anything I had in those sizes needed to be finished by the 10th of September.  Well that was a fire to my behind.  Then they added a 40% off incentive and free ship for orders over $30.00.  Ok, couldn't pass those up.  I ordered one of each.  Hopefully they aren't riddled with spelling errors, and the low resolution photos won't look too bad.  I will check out these and then decide if I want to order more for Christmas or start them over in a fresh look.  I am never happy with the things I create.  I can always find a better way once they are done.  Story of my life.  But at least I will have something in print and can relax for a minute about them. 

Still have a few more books to do.  Want to do one on my parents and my husbands parents then one on me and my husband.  That should be enough for awhile.  Crazy when you get working on them.  There is never enough time and you always want one more photo or document.

I linked the finished book to my first post of family history so look back in 2011 under family history and you can look at the books I have finished so far.  Let me know what you think.  If there are errors and there are bound to be, let me know what you find.  I apoligize upfront for any mistakes, or bad spelling.  I tried but spell check doesn't fix everything.  LOL.

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