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Friday, May 11, 2012

It's been awhile.  Life has changed and kept me too busy but now it is calming down and perhaps it's time to return.

Springtime is beautiful and fresh.  I love planting flowers and bringing some splashes of color to my little world.  So far I have most of the pots on my deck planted but rain out of dirt so need to go shopping to finish up.  I love to check pinterest for ideas, and I found some great planting ideas to take with me shopping so I can add different plants this year.  I love the pots with variety of color and vines growing down the pot.  I want to replicate those beautiful photos I saw this morning.  Wish me luck.

Garden is planted and coming along nicely.  Added some swiss chard this year.  Looks like it is going to be a bumper crop too.  Hubby added melons, sunflowers and onions to the growing list.  The grandkid eats a lot of sunflower seeds at softball so thought it would be fun to show her the growth process and let her harvest the seeds later.  I can't wait to start cooking with the harvest of the garden.  It's what I like best from summer. Fresh things always taste so good. (peaches don't taste like peaches in the stores anymore - they pick so early they don't ever ripen)

Looking for some fresh new recipes to try.  In the mood to bake, so off to the store this afternoon to pick up some basic supplies.  Found a recipe for a light cake that looks good. Think I will start with this and then go from here.

Here's the link to the recipe.

Also saw a post somewhere about a simple cake made from a bag of frozen fruit, box cake mix, and a can of soda.  Think I will try this too.  Humm.....lots of possible varieties in flavors. Peach with yellow cake and 7 up, Strawberries with strawberrry cake mix and strawberry soda,  mixed fruit with a white cake mix and orange soda.   Not sure but going to try.  Any ideas?