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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 2012

No disappointed, yet enjoying the moderate temperatures that are unusual for winter. Usually the cold weather inspires me to cook soups, and more soups.  I am blaming the weather for the fact that my stove is not busy with the simmering pots of wonderful aromas associated with soup. 

I am thinking about Valentine's and starting to gather supplies.  I found a great bargin at Joann's.  Some metal signs on clearance from Christmas (99cents) have made a great Valentine sign for the door.  The back was plain red, I turned the button on the wire hanger to face the back and thanks to Ashley, added some great vinyl lettering. A sparkly valentine ornament finished it off beautifully.  Now, to work on Valentine's for giving.  I found some tubes at the Craft store for a dollar that look useful, and some amazing wooden pouches that I think will be great for stuffing full of valentines, (only a dollar)  Need some ideas.

Ok, after writing for this post I am feeling guilty.  I think I need to put some soup on the stove and get out the Valentine box for ideas.  Off my butt and ready for action.